Pet owners have been interested in similar products to help manage their dog’s health problems due to the buzz about medical marijuana legalization.
It has been a big concern about these products up to recently. “Is there a safe way to give cannabis-or hemp-based products for my pet?” and, more significantly, what part does the kidneys play in take out “drugs from the body? Should you give these products for your dog who has kidney disease?
We’ll answer your questions, and go over what you need if you decide to give cannabis-derived products to your dog.
Demand and supply leads too many hemp and cbd based products.
Google search the terms “cbd”, “pets” and you will get millions of results. (We got more that 71 million!). Many companies have started to offer cbd-infused pet products. You can find cbd-infused treats in a variety of formulas. These range from cbd-infused edibles to cbd-infused capsules to oils that can be mixed with food. It is also booming in the sales of hemp products and cannabis-specific marijuana for pets.
While some products contain cbd, others have additional cannabinoids and terpenes. These compounds are produced by a variety plants, including cannabis sativa. At least one company sells its products, which contain a whole-plant hemp extract, as hemp nutritional products.
A growing number of pet parents, particularly those who have already tried cbd or hemp products, are seeking out, buying, and giving cbd or other hemp-based products (and to their dogs and cats) to treat a condition or illness. These products are often used in conjunction with a general plan, to treat an aging pet or for specific behavioral issues. They are used to treat pain and inflammation and anxiety as well as arthritis and anxiety. The FDA does not approve these products. I’ll be back to you later.
How can products of one plant species be used in so many medical conditions?
The endocannabinoid, or ecs, is a system that helps to maintain balance in the body. In fact, all mammals have an ecs. The ecs plays a role in many physiological processes like pain, mood and inflammation.
While cb1 & cb2 were the primary focus of cannabis-related research and thc-related studies, how cbd works continues to be explored. According to the cbd project there have been more than 65 targets in scientific literature. It doesn’t matter how the product works, cbd-loving dog owners believe their pets benefit from it.
Question about cbd or hemp based products for dogs with kidney death?
Although they have no idea about the effects cbd- or hemp products on canine renals, veterinary researchers know that cbd-related compounds are eliminated from the body through the kidneys. More than 40 cbd-related compounds were found in the urine of dogs treated with cbd. These results were obtained from drug metabolism studies that were done in the late 1980s/early 1990s.
Cbd seems to relieve pain in dogs. However not all dogs suffer from kidney disease. It all depends on the root cause. Cbd may help with appetite stimulation in dogs with renal disease. It may be more effective to use proven methods for appetite stimulation until we know more about cbd’s effects on the kidneys.
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