Reasons To Try Scalp Micropigmentation

Hair loss is one common problem that many people are suffering from these days. This problem is more common in people with age above 30. Hair loss can occur due to various reasons. Look below to know about them.

  • Hormonal Imbalance: The chemicals released by the endocrine glands helps in controlling the various functions of the body, and this includes reproduction and metabolism. People with hormonal imbalances can produce either too little or too much of a specific hormone. Any change in hormonal levels can lead to serious effects on health.
  • Pregnancy: Most women experience hair loss after childbirth, and this is known as postpartum hair loss. During pregnancy, estrogen levels go very high, which may temporarily change the cycles of hair growth. You will mostly not experience hair fall during this period i.e., until delivery.
  • Medications: Using certain medications can also result in hair loss. Medications used for cancer treatment may cause hair loss. However, hair grows back once the chemotherapy is over.
  • Alopecia: Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disorder that may cause permanent or temporary baldness and thinning hair.
  • Stress: Extreme stress can also cause hair loss. If you are working in a stressful environment, it can cause hair fall.
  • Physical Trauma: Accidents, serious illnesses, and surgery can cause physical trauma, and this can cause hair fall. Hair loss can also be caused by diseases and infections. Temporary hair might result from a serious infection or a high temperature.

Hair loss can kill the confidence of an individual. In fact, people with hair loss problems feel shy to move in public. If you are worried about your hair loss problem, here is good news for you. Scalp micro pigmentation is one of the popular treatments available for hair loss problems. For treatments like this, you must ensure that you choose a reputed clinic. Continue reading to know about the benefits of scalp micropigmentation.

  • A very little amount of pigment (black) is injected with a needle into your shaved scalp during this procedure. This process will be done throughout your head to give the look of natural hair. This treatment provides great relief because other hair treatments sometimes produce results that are uneven or ineffective. This would make your money go waste.
  • With the treatments like this, you mostly do not require a top-up, at least for the next 5 to 6 years. If you observe any change in your scalp condition meet the specialist at the clinic to know what must be done.
  • SMP is one treatment that works for all hair types and any hair colour.
  • Most hair treatments available on market might cause some side effects. But in the case of SMP, you will not experience any kind of side effects.
  • This treatment is very affordable, which means you do not have to worry about your budget.
  •  You don’t have to take special care of your scalp micropigmentation. You need not buy costly products to maintain the look post this treatment. 

Do try SMP for a beautiful look within no time!